By now I'm sure you are well aware of the 'garbage in, garbage out' addage. We all know we have to be responsible for the quality of our data and if we aren't there is little we can actually do with it, right? Wrong. Don't settle for excuses, take action, it can be easier than you think and the possible benefits, huge!
A big reason why businesses don't make better use of their own database is because they don't feel they have the time to dedicate to reviewing their data in detail and correcting errors. Most of the time this is due to very manual processes being utilised to first, find the data the needs fixing, and then, the time needed to actually fix it.
Database platforms have also shifted with the technological evolution. Once upon a time isolation of database errors or anomalies was indeed difficult and correct that data, sometimes even harder again but more often than not, current software models are based on 'open' databases. Provided you know how to tap into these, things can become a little easier.
So, let's break it down and say there are 3 major parts to Data Mining that we can assist you with:
Imagine if you could find just one thing in your database that would help bring value to your existing customer/client base. It could be wishing them a Happy Birthday; send them a discount voucher or pick up the phone and deliver a personal message, it could be an internal factor you are attempting to measure; number of new customers/clients and their revenue value to the Business/Practice.
Whatever you would like to accomplish, don't settle for 'this is the best we can get out of our database', we can help you explore other possibilities. It's worth a conversation. If we cannot help you, we'll tell you so, and if there is someone in our network that can help, we'll let you know that too.
Your data is one of the most powerful assets you have, don't let it sit on the sidelines, re-ignite it's potential and possible opportunities to deliver results back to your Business/Practice.

Review you primary database information for uniformity and standardise any anomalous data. Depending on the database type, corrections could also be applied in bulk, limited or no manual entry required.
Review you primary database for opportunities to provide more value to your clients and customers and/or provide your Business/Practice with key information to improve overall business management.
Report on opportunities identified and track the progress you have made. If you have an SQL compatible database, you may also want to start automating the distribution of these reports, view our Advanced Reporting solution.